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Tio Ciu Festival Season 5 : THE ASIAN FESTIVITY

Created. Mon, 14 Oct 2019 17:00:05
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Tio Ciu Festival Season 5 : THE ASIAN FESTIVITYTio Ciu Festival Season 5 : THE ASIAN FESTIVITY

Tio Ciu Festival Season 5 kembali hadir lagi di tahun 2019 dengan tema "THE ASIAN FESTIVITY"

1. English Contest
2. Mandarin Contest
3. B.Indonesia Contest
4. Art & Musical Contest
5. Bazaar
Venue : Gedung Yayasan Tio Ciu Sumut (Restoran Hee Lai Ton) Jln. Gandhi No. 123

Tanggal : 2, 3 dan 9,10 November 2019

Information :
(WA / Telp )
- Hanto Intan : 0812 3018 4668
- Jocelin : 0813 6632 5922

WA : Alvin Wijaya 0812 6097 8083

Registration ( WA / Telp ) :
- Felicia : 0851 0702 7001
- Heriyanto : 0812 1828 9191

Mandarin Contest :
1. Pidato ( SD, SMP, SMA - UNIV )
2. Storry Telling ( SD, SMP, SMA - UNIV )
3. Baca Berita ( SMP, SMA - UNIV )
4. Kalligrafi ( SMP, SMA - UNIV )

English Contest :
1. Debate ( SMP, SMA - UNIV )
2. Speech ( SD, SMP, SMA - UNIV )
3. News Casting ( SMP, SMA - UNIV )
4. Story Telling ( SD, SMP, SMA - UNIV )
5. Scrabble ( SD ( team ), SMP, SMA - UNIV )
6. Spelling Bee ( TK, SD 1-3, SD 4-6, SMP, SMA - UNIV )
7. Story Writting ( SMP, SMA - UNIV )
8. GET ( general english test ) SD, SMP, SMA

B. Indonesia Contest :
1. Pidato ( SD, SMP, SMA - UNIV )
2. Baca Puisi ( SD, SMP, SMA - UNIV )

Art & Musical Contest :
1. Singing ( SD, SMP, SMA - UNIV )
2. Coloring ( TK A- B, SD 1-3, SD 4-6 )
3. Dancing ( Junior, Senior )
4. Fashion Show - kid & parent ( TK - SD2, SD 3-6 )
5. Puzzle ( TK A, TK B )
6. Rias Wajah Khas Tio Ciu Pan ( Umum )

Follow our instagram for more info @perkumpulanteochewsumut

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